Assalamu – Alaikum
Alhamdullilah, in June 2012, our Society successfully acquired a nearby property, with a view to establishing a purpose built Prayer facility within the curtillage..
Around August 2013, our Society secured Planning Approval from the Local Authority for a “Prayer Hall Extension”. (Planning reference 13/00575/FUL ,
The projected cost of the extension is currently £600,000 (six hundred thousand pounds). Therefore we are appealing to all Muslim brothers and Sisters to provide urgent financial support for this virtuous project. Inshallah, Allah (SWT) will reward you abundantly for your donation.
We would also welcome any financial support in the form of “karze Hasna”, (Interest free loan) from any individuals or Organisations.
A dedicated Bank Account has been set up by our Society for this project.
The account details are as follows :
Acc Name – Lancaster Islamic Society
Acc Number – 13469460
Sort code – 30-14-60
IBAN – GB95 LOYD 3014 6013 4694 60
For further information on the project or for specific donations, please contact the Management Committee on 07879470012 or by email to

JazakAllah Khairun


Tap to donate one bricks worth to the house of Allah