12 Essential Performance Metrics for Customer Service

kpis for customer support

To determine satisfaction levels, organizations will usually send surveys immediately after a customer interacts with an agent. Average resolution time is the time it takes an agent to resolve a customer issue from when a ticket is opened. Delivering exceptional customer support is paramount for startups aiming to establish a strong customer base and grow their business. To achieve this, orgs must measure and track key metrics that reflect the quality of their support operations.

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Now let’s get to know some of the tools you can use to evaluate your KPIs and important metrics. NPS is designed to measure the likelihood of your customers to recommend your brand, product, or service to others. It can be a pop-up form on your website or part of a survey distributed during certain periods. kpis for customer support It generally consists of two questions – how likely the customer is to recommend or promote (scored from 0 to 10), and why. By NPS yardstick, 0 to 6 are detractors, 7 to 8 passives, and 9 to 10 promoters. Useful as KPIs are, organizations are not advised to measure anything and everything that moves.

Average first response time

This metric looks at the average time from when a customer contacts customer support to when they first get a response from an agent (And no, auto-replies do not count as a response!). As we highlight the main ways to measure customer service success, remember that the best way is really a holistic approach. In our Customer Service Retail Report, we discovered that nearly eight in 10 customers said they would be less likely to shop with a brand again after experiencing poor customer service. Unless you want to potentially lose about 80% of your business, you need to stay on top of your customer service performance.

kpis for customer support

This cloud-based service requires no hardware or software, making it highly usable, so you can get your support team up and running in no time and at less cost. Service Cloud is also adaptable to any industry workflow with its business automation tools and the ability to use custom or pre-integrated apps. FCCR involves resolving customer’s issues in one interaction, such as in a single chat session, a single phone call, or a single email or social media response. In other words, a customer need not contact you again since the issue was resolved in the first instance. Take note that there is no one approach for evaluating all your different KPIs. You’ll be using various metrics and assessment methods specific to the KPI and the goals you set.

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Customer support software ProProfs Help Desk is an award-winning ticketing system designed to help support teams provide fast, efficient, and quality customer service for free. It’s important for customer service teams to measure the number of new issues/support tickets/complaints being generated every day, week, and month. This data can be extremely helpful for assessing chat operator performance and identifying areas for improvement. Ticket volume is a number of customer support requests that come in over a given period of time. This metric can be helpful in identifying trends related to customer service demand.

kpis for customer support

The Objective and Key Results (OKRs) framework is a great way to align your team behind a clear set of goals for the quarter. Ideally, your agents should be resolving the same amount of tickets they’re handling per hour. When you compare these two metrics side-by-side, you’re able to see how effectively an agent can handle inquiries and work efficiently. First contact resolution eliminates the chances of this happening because only one agent is needed to resolve the issue. The on-call rate may be tied with calls per agent KPI since they both determine an agent’s average calls. A part of cost-benefit analyses, cost per call indicates the amount needed to operate the team over the total number of outbound calls.

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Maybe you don’t have a proper system for logging, routing, and closing tickets. Customer support KPIs help you assess overall team performance, hold agents accountable, keep everyone aligned, and improve your customer service. FCR, sometimes known as one-touch resolution, is an important customer service KPI to track because it directly impacts https://www.metadialog.com/ the customer experience. For an even simpler solution, Zendesk automatically tracks this customer service KPI for you. The tool also gives an option to deduct pending time, on-hold time, or both, from average resolution time. Average resolution time is simply the average time it takes to solve all tickets over a specified time range.

  • The right data will show you exactly what aspects of your customer service and the customer experience (CX) you’re providing could use some attention.
  • Using a suite of metrics helps teams gain a holistic perspective, but avoid over-indexing on any one metric.
  • At Intercom we strive to have a world class support team who do whatever they can to help our customers and foster customer loyalty.
  • CSAT is a qualitative metric, so you’ll want to measure it through customer satisfaction surveys, which you can create using third-party apps like Survey or Simplesat.
  • You can set up keyword alerts to track mentions of your company or specific keywords related to your customer service.
  • There are many more, and what works best for you will depend on the product or service you offer and the customers you have.

This helps to strengthen the relationship between customers and the company. Attracting new customers costs more for the business than retaining them. With this, businesses should keep an eye on their existing kpis for customer support customers and how much of them remain in the business over time. A moniker of “service” and “quality,” SERVQUAL measures the overall quality that the team gave to their customers over their expectations.

Average reply time measures how long it takes agents to respond to customer queries across all communication with a customer, not just how long it takes to respond to initial outreach. For example, the amount of time it takes the agent to respond to each chat message sent by a customer. Your service reps are on the frontlines of customer interaction and satisfaction. You’ll want to recognize reps that solve the most tickets, have the most first-resolution tickets, and deliver high customer satisfaction results. A necessary part of customer service is anticipating how many issues can arise. This metric indicates whether the team is equipped and available to handle the number of tickets.

It asks the customer to rate their support experience on a scale ranging from good to bad. Good customer service teams excel at responding to customers as quickly as possible. Even if you can’t resolve an issue, send a quick note that you received their message to alleviate the anxiety of an unknown wait time.

Although fast response times are preferred, response quality should not be sacrificed for speed. Don’t respond with a generic, cookie-cutter support email—use some personality and personalization. Average first response time or first reply time tells you how fast a rep responds after a customer has contacted support. If your agents are consistently above an 85-90% occupancy rate, you may want to consider hiring additional representatives or even outsourcing your customer service to another agency. The problem is, there really isn’t a blanket response that will answer which specific KPIs you should be using. Your company’s needs and the way you measure customer success are both unique.

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It features standard modules for ticket management, CMDB and knowledge base, and advanced modules for change, incident and problem management. It provides a scalable, robust way to manage IT service requests and assets. In business, a key performance indicator is a measurable value that determines how effectively a company is achieving its key objectives.

For example, if Jim was assigned 100 requests in a month and resolved 60, his resolution rate would be 60%. Reaction time is the time it takes an agent to take any action on a new message, whether tagging, reassigning, escalating, or responding to it. These KPIs provide valuable insights into your team’s effectiveness and are also useful from a financial standpoint because they impact your revenue and profits. Customer service experiences are often the defining moments in a consumer’s decision to either stay loyal to your brand or never shop with you again. To ensure those experiences are positive, you need a strategy for measuring and improving upon your CSRs’ performance. Regardless of the tool you use, CSAT surveys are effective tools for quickly capturing a snapshot of the customer experience.

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It’s critical to track your resolution time—the amount of time it takes a customer service representative (CSR) to solve a ticket once it’s been created. First, determine your goals and objectives in hiring a customer service team. Your objectives will be your basis of the processes, successes and KPIs needed in the operation. This, meanwhile, will tell you whether you are on the right direction in achieving your goals.

  • Escalation requests can also be an indicator of poor customer service.
  • A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving its key business objectives.
  • Customer satisfaction is focused on the quality of the customer service experience, while customer loyalty takes into account other factors such as product quality, price, and brand image.
  • First, determine your goals and objectives in hiring a customer service team.

Think of your customer service operation like McDonald’s where customers get consistent service across the board. No matter what agent they speak with — whether via chat, email or phone – they are providing consistent answers to customers reporting the same issue. Trader Joe’s are likely able to excel because they monitor critical metrics related to the service they provide.

kpis for customer support

For example, Front measures crucial support KPIs including email volume, CSAT score, resolution time, and response time, as well as other email trends for each rep or across your entire team. This data is accessible via customizable analytics reports you can use to make crucial decisions like when to hire, whether training is needed, and how many staff to have on shift. A customer service representative achieves first contact resolution (FCR) when they resolve a service ticket during the first interaction with that customer. There’s no transferring of customers to other support agents, and no need to follow up at a later time. Companies often use service level agreements (SLAs) to define their expectations for this KPI. One SLA, for example, might promise a response to every customer support inquiry within one hour or less.


This way, you will be able to spot inefficiencies and stop them on the spot. It provides insights into the current demand placed on your support team, trends, and other underlying issues. For instance, if ticket volumes continuously increase month-on-month with your team feeling swamped, it may be time to hire new agents. The KPIs vital to you will also differ from other companies and industries. That being said, there are some common KPIs that many companies and specific departments track.

kpis for customer support

That means your KPIs will probably be different from the ones that other organizations use. This determines if their team is doing the right thing or they need improvements on the processes. In the end, it’s not just about the measures, but how do they adjust it. You should write customer service KPIs the way you write success indicators for the rest of your operations. This indicator tells the average time an agent spends on calls over time spent between them.

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